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Why Your Magic Isn't Working (and a Simple Remedy)...

Writer's picture: T. M. HoyT. M. Hoy

Updated: Sep 23, 2023

Ever wonder why your magic just doesn't work ?

You see every young witch and wizard on TikTok claiming their 'Manifestation' techniques are working in quantum leaps ! Social media shamans and gurus all claim phenomenal success with their efforts.

Yet you stare at that dusty altar, that lifeless 'sacred space', whatever it may be, and feel sad and depressed that your spells don't do much, and 'magic' remains something conjured up only in Harry Potter movies.

Believe it or not, this has a simple cause, and an even simpler remedy (though it is NOT easy, and takes some work).

Please allow me to explain...

The Universe/Cosmos is constantly sending you messages (both gross and subtle) about your true path in life, and which direction to follow.

Making your magic work is simple (but not, alas, easy). Align yourself with your higher purpose, your unique role within this reality - the one you fulfill in the Cosmos/Universe. In Taoism, this is 'following the way' often described as 'wu wei' - non-action, or action through inaction. This is letting go, rather than trying to impose your will. It is listening, and moving as directed by your intuition. It is effortless, smooth, the 'active non-action' of which Taoism speaks. Embrace the natural flow of things, and align yourself with nature, the Cosmos, the Tao, or whatever name you choose to give the life force or power animating the universe.

Above: The Yin-Yang symbol, the Taoist expression of unity of opposites, cosmic oneness.

This is the same advice found in Hawaiian Shamanism, which can be summed up as entering or achieving a state of 'Kala'. 'Kala' is a return to innocence. It is - quite simply, forgiveness - of yourself, and everything in your life. This is the path to inner healing, a release of grievances and hurts, allowing yourself all your faults and flaws, and accepting yourself for who you are, warts and all. It is an acceptance of the world as it is, and a deep inner peace and tranquility, because you have let go of the past. Healing can occur, because the things that wound you are now forgiven, and can vanish into the past, forgotten, and no longer a problem.

'Kala' is also a shamanic principle - that there are no limits, and that everything is possible. This is the heart of magic - when you speak to the gods (and goddesses) from a state of 'kala', an inner place that is innocent, open-hearted, clean, full of childlike wonder at the beauty of the universe, the gods answer !

Forgiveness dissolves limitations, cleaning away negative energy, returning to a natural state of grace. What is more, it opens the door to your connection to your 'higher self', and to that greater power the Chinese named 'Tao' (the 'Way'), the Hawaiians 'Mana' (spiritual power), and Western Culture - magick, or manifestation.

In the symbology of the tarot, this is expressed in the first and second cards of the 'Major Arcana', the cards representing the forces shaping your life. Note the place these cards occupy - the very first and second symbols ! Their importance is above all the others. The Fool - '0', represents yourself in a state of 'Kala', innocent, open, adventurous - without judgment, and also without limits. When you have fully embraced this inner 'fool', you naturally evolve to the next state - where magick becomes real !

This is the second card - the Magician -'1', the archetype of ideas and dreams brought into reality, the symbol of transformation and self-actualization. True magic is manifesting your wishes and desires so they become real. This will happen when you are aligned with your higher purpose, your 'soul calling', the 'path with heart' that leads to actualizing your 'true self'.

The Fool - the first ('0') card in the Major Arcana of the Tarot [image from The Thoth Premier Tarot, by Crowley-Harris], and the Magician - number '1' in the Major Arcana [image from The Witches Tarot by Ellen Dugan].

And how do you discover this, you may ask ? Allow yourself some time for reflection, and a bit of inner exploration. Reflect on the things that produce 'flow states' for you (when time vanishes because you are so absorbed in your work or play), the things that energize and excite you, and the people and places that call to you. What challenges and experiences have triggered growth and positive change in the past ? Where do you REALLY want to be ? What would you PREFER to be doing ? What excites you the most, that makes you want to rush out and do it NOW?

This contemplation will reveal the shape of your true self, and some glimpses of the creature you were born to be.

Becoming a powerful witch/shaman/magician/spiritual being is - as I've shown you, a simple thing. Let go of the past, and truly forgive yourself and accept the world around you. Find your 'higher purpose' and 'true self', and align with them. When you have done this, magick (the REAL variety, of effortless manifestation) will enter your life. And the more you practice, the easier it will become.

And here is an exercise for you - to open that door, and begin a conversation with the Tao/Cosmos/Universe...

When you have a few spare moments, lose your cares and expectations, and just take a short walk. Look at natural things - stones, trees, clouds, whatever animals you encounter. When you are relaxed, ask the Universe to guide you, to please show you the way so you can begin to find your true self and your deeper purpose.

Over the next few days, keep your eyes open. The Cosmos WILL answer ! It may be in the shape of a cloud; a pattern in the flight of birds or leaves; perhaps some other sign or synchronicity. But you WILL get an answer, and it will astonish you in its clarity and power.

DO NOT ignore it ! Let that answer be the START of a conversation. Keep asking the questions that matter, the ones from your heart, and follow that path where it leads.

The power of true magick awaits you there.

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