Sharing Mother Earth's Power...
Everything sold here is completely natural, unless specifically noted otherwise.
We strive to bring you the best and most beautiful objects from the depths of Mother Earth, at an unbeatable price.
If you don't see what you need, PLEASE contact us - we are at a main center of the gem trade here in Tucson, Arizona, and can easily find whatever your heart desires !

The Stones Speak...
There is great power in stones and crystals. Hold them in your hand; let their energy flow into you. Feel the vibrations they give off, and listen to the ancient wisdom they offer, so different from the rapid, hectic pace of humans !
Native Americans often referred to stones as "grandfathers", and i love that name & concept - as i personally love gemstones, and feel a deep kinship with earth and stones alike.
Take one home yourself; speak to the crystal, and listen carefully, for it will surely share power and insights with any who are open to its knowledge...